Friday, May 15, 2009

Tell EPA What You Think!

You may have heard that the EPA published proposed findings in April that increasing levels of greenhouse gases pose a threat to public health and welfare and that vehicle engines contribute to these greenhouse gases and hence to the threat of climate change. This step enables the EPA and/or other agencies to join many other nations in regulating greenhouse gases and taking steps to rein in global warming. Greenhouse gas-producing industries will doubtless submit many negative comments on this finding, despite the fact that it is merely re-stating established facts (see the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), so it's important that as many people as possible submit comments in support of these findings. To submit a comment, start by clicking here. Read the page and click on Instructions for Submitting Written Comments (PDF). Read the instructions, but instead of going to, click here, and under Proposed Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act, click on Send a Comment or Submission. This will probably save you time and frustration finding the correct findings to comment on, especially if you've never used the site before. Note that they recommend you include your name and contact info, but if you do, they will be published along with the comments, so either make sure that's okay with you, or don't include your personal info. Real people read these comments, so say why this is important to you. I've included my comment in the next post below, in case it's helpful.

The weather around Santa Fe has turned warm, so I've been riding my bike home from work a couple of times a week. It's about 9 miles, but it's mostly downhill on the way home, so I take my bike on the bus in the morning and ride home in the evening. I've seen a lot more people biking in the last couple of weeks than I ever have before! Send me your ideas for reducing our carbon footprints, and
Stay cool,

1 comment:

  1. This is what I just submitted:

    Hi, my name is Patty Freeman-Lynde ( I live in Athens,
    Georgia. We have had a severe drought the last few years, although it seems to
    be better now. We have also been paying close attention to hurricanes the last
    few years. It is my opinion that greenhouse gases from human activity are
    causing changes in our climate that are a danger to us and other life. There are
    many actions that can be taken by individuals and the government to improve the
    situation. We own a hybrid car and try to minimize our driving. We also live in
    an energy-efficient passive solar home that we had built 5 years ago to keep our
    use of electricity lower than that of most people. We grow and make the majority
    of our food to reduce the amount of energy spent in having it delivered to our
    community from far away. It is not possible for an increasing number of people
    to produce more and more waste products (including greenhouse gases) without
    affecting our environment. We must now make dramatic changes to keep from paying
    a fearful price--the destruction of our planet, its atmosphere and its life forms.
